رفتن به محتوای اصلی

Mac OS X

Select "Open Network Preferences" by clicking on the wifi or network icon in the top panel Click plus icon to add vpn configuration Select VPN as the interface Select PPTP as the VPN Type You can choose any name for the service name, we recommend using "VPNOD", then click create, and finally click on the Advanced button Make sure that "Send all traffic over VPN connection" is checked and click ok. put vpn.vpnod.com in the Server Address field and put the username you received from vpn1.iut.ac.ir or vpn2.iut.ac.ir into the account name. Make sure also that the "Show VPN Status in menu bar" is checked. You will only need to perform steps 1 to 7 once when you first use VPNOD.com. It will be much easier the next time On the top menu bar, click on the VPN icon as shown in the image and select "Connect VPNOD". VPNOD will be the name of the service name you typed at step 5 Finally, enter the username and password you obtained from VPNOD.com and click ok and wait for the connection to be established. The next time you use VPNOD.com, you will only need to perform steps 8 & 9.  

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